Teeth Whitening and a Refresh for Christmas

The Perfectly Pretty Pout Duo and Trio

Our most popular deals for the most popular season of the year!

We know how much everyone loves an enhanced bright smile and so we wanted your lips and face and to match the excitement.

Cairns Dental Boutique is now offering:

  1. The Duo Deal – In-Chair Teeth Whitening and 1ml Lip Filler at a discounted price of $750.
  2. Trio Deal – Take Home Teeth Whitening, Lip Filler and Anti – Wrinkle Dermal Fillers for $950

What are the Details?

Come in for a Consult with your Cairns dentist for an overall oral health assessment and the best suited teeth whitening products and dermal filler treatments with the optimum results for yourself.

In-Chair Teeth Whitening

Achieve your whitest and brightest teeth in just an hour of in-chair teeth whitening with the highest quality and safe tooth whitening gel products and gentle care given by our dental team

Take – Home Teeth Whitening

An option best suited for extremely sensitive teeth, where you can gradually achieve your desired level of colour and brightness.

Lip Filler

Add volume and define your lips with 1 ml lip filler with results lasting from 6-9months.

Anti – Wrinkle Injectables

Cosmetic injectables are to shape your face and are used to treat frown lines and wrinkles on your forehead, cheeks and crow’s feet. Injectables are also used for the following treatments:

Gummy smile – A small amount is injected into the Nasalis muscle causing it to relax and drop the top lip in order to correct the gummy smile.

Jaw Clenching – Anti Wrinkle Injectables injected into the Masseter muscle, which relaxes it resulting in the ceasing of teeth grinding and jaw clenching. This treatment assists with migraines and tension headaches caused by the overuse of the masseter muscle and over time it also slims the face.

These packages are available only over the festive season starting from the 1st November 2022 to the 31st January 2023, so please Call us on 07 40 323 236 to book your Consult appointments in.

What a fantastic chance to enhance your natural beauty and shine this Christmas!

When it’s time to call your Cairns Emergency Dentist

Cairns emergency dentists

Most of us have experienced it, that excruciating pain or throbbing in the mouth, that is just about impossible to ignore. Life is so busy these days and the temptation is to just pop a few painkillers and soldier on, hoping that the pain will subside. Fingers crossed that the mystery problem will vanish as quickly as it came, right?
Unfortunately, this just about never happens! And like most things, the longer you leave them, the worse they get. This can be especially true of toothache.

What is a Toothache and when is a toothache an emergency?

A toothache is pain in or around a tooth. There is a wide range of issues that can lead to this pain. Minor toothaches can occur because of temporary gum irritation but a toothache is usually a sign when something is wrong with either your gums or your tooth.

More serious toothaches can be classified as an Emergency. They are dental and mouth problems that won’t get better on their own and will need to be treated by a dentist as soon as possible.

Whether minor or more serious, toothaches should never be ignored and seeing an experienced and trusted dentist as soon as possible is the most advisable thing to do.

What constitutes a dental emergency?

A dental emergency is a situation when there is bleeding caused by trauma, a broken or dislodged tooth or an abscess caused by an infected tooth. If you have any of these symptoms, you should contact us for emergency dentistry in Cairns as soon as possible on 07 40323236.

What is the most common dental emergency?

1. Injuries affecting your gums and your teeth
2. A fractured jawline
3. Lost fillings
4. Abscess
5. Partially Dislodged Tooth

Can a dentist help in a dental emergency?

Yes, a dentist can help in alleviating pain and treat the causes of your dental emergency. For expert Cairns Dentistry, please call us on 07 40323236 and we will see you on the same day. Let us help you with swift and appropriate dental treatment to ease your pain and divert emergency.

Our Cairns dental practice is conveniently located, and we are here to assist you with comprehensive dental services and treatment options, always putting your dental health first.
Please visit the Cairns Dental Boutique website for full details of our dental care, or contact us today, we’d love to hear from you.

Brushing Your Teeth

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t give much thought to how you brush your teeth, beyond squirting on some toothpaste and scrubbing your teeth back and forth. But as your dentist will tell you, how you brush your teeth matters a great deal, with how often you brush, how long you brush, the kind of technique and the toothbrush you use are all major influences on the effectiveness of your brushing.

To gain the maximum benefit from brushing, you should brush for at least two minutes morning and night, using a soft-bristled toothbrush with a small head and a flexible neck. The advantage of these toothbrushes is that they remove the plaque and debris from your teeth without damaging your teeth and gums.

It’s all in the technique

If you are uncertain about your brushing technique, check with your dentist at your next dental visit and he/she may give you more information and tips and show you the most effective way of brushing.

Top Brushing Tip

While it may seem strange at first to brush your tongue, doing so actually reduces the bacteria in your mouth and helps your breath stay fresh. All you need to do is push the bristles on the tongue and scrape gently forward.
When you have finished brushing, try to spit out the toothpaste and don’t rinse with water. Leaving some toothpaste on your teeth is a really great way to give your teeth some extra ongoing protection.

Choice of Toothbrush

If limited dexterity is an issue, you might consider using a powered toothbrush. They can be programmed to run for two minutes, making keeping to the correct length of brushing time easy. If you’re not sure which type of brush will work for you or your family, check with your dentist.

General tips

Tempting as it is to think that pressing harder on your teeth equals a better clean, the fact is that too much pressure can damage your gums and tooth enamel. If the bristles are wearing out on your toothbrushes well before the three-month mark, you’re pressing too hard and you should ask your dentist to show you a less damaging technique. It’s also a good idea to replace your brush, whether manual or powered, when either the bristles start to spread apart, or every three months, whichever comes first.

Come see our dental staff for more information and effective brushing techniques for you and your family. Call us on 40323236 and book an appointment to see one of our friendly and helpful dentists.


Your Oral Hygiene Questions Answered By Our Dentists

Is it good to have your teeth cleaned?

Yes! Routine dental cleanings help remove stubborn and bacteria-filled plaque and tartar from your teeth. This is important because, if left too long, plaque and tartar can cause tooth decay, gum disease, and other serious damage.

What happens during a teeth cleaning?

During a cleaning, your dental hygienist will do a full periodontal assessment of your gums, note any recession, periodontal pocketing, and gently remove plaque and tartar from around your gum line, as well as in between your teeth. After your teeth are tartar-free, we’ll polish your teeth with a high-tech electric brush and end by flossing between teeth. We always perform an oral cancer screening at each visit. We may also recommend a prescription fluoride treatment or mouthwash if you are cavity prone or have chronic tooth sensitivity.

Is dental cleaning painful?

If it’s been a while since your last professional cleaning, your gums might bleed a bit during your cleaning. However, our dentists are very gentle and we’ll take it slow based on your needs and comfort level. If your mouth feels a bit sore after your cleaning, an over-the-counter pain reliever will do the trick.

Oral Health for Children – FAQs by Parents and Carers Answered

Are cavities a problem for baby teeth?

Even though baby teeth are temporary, decay and cavities can cause life-long damage, including infections and orthodontic issues. Don’t ignore the health of baby teeth!

Should my child get a dental sealant?

Sealants are most effective when they’re placed right after permanent molars come in. This is usually around age 6 for the first molars and age 12 for the second molars.

When should I schedule my child’s first dental visit?

Make sure your child has their first dentist visit by age one or 6 months after their first tooth comes in, whichever comes first.

How should I take care of my child’s teeth?

During infancy, use a soft cloth to clean their gums. Once their first tooth comes in, make sure to schedule your child a dental check-up and start a routine of brushing their teeth before bed. Most importantly, avoid giving your baby juice or fizzy drinks in their bottle. Even with proper brushing, sugary drinks like these are the leading cause of tooth decay.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dermal Fillers

How does Dermal Fillers work?

In order for your muscles to contract, your nerves send out a neurotransmitter, causing your muscle cells to contract or shorten. But when Dermal Fillers is injected, it temporarily prevents the release of this neurotransmitter, reducing muscle contractions and allowing your muscles to relax and become less stiff.

Why do dentists offer Dermal fillers?

Many people are surprised to learn they can get Dermal Filler treatments from a dentist. In reality, dentists have been administering these treatments for many years for both aesthetic and therapeutic results. Dentists have a lot of training in the study of head, face, and neck anatomy, which is very beneficial when planning a dermal filler treatment. Additionally, dentists administer injections on a daily basis, making them uniquely qualified to make your treatment even more comfortable.

What to expect from your Dermal Filler treatment?

When you get Dermal Fillers at Cairns Dental Boutique, it looks like you haven’t had Fillers!

Here’s how we do it:

  • As with any treatment, our focus is on ensuring that you’re relaxed.
  • Dermal Fillers is a quick and simple treatment. You won’t feel much more than a quick pinch and that’s it!
  • Every treatment is customized to meet your specific needs and goals.
  • The comfortable procedure takes about 10 minutes.
  • Most patients will see or feel improvements within a few days.
  • The effects of your treatment will last around 3-6 months or more, but vary from person to person.

Fast Facts About Teeth Whitening

What causes stained teeth?

Coffee and tea

Darkly pigmented foods

Smoking and tobacco use

The natural aging process

Your genetics

Who can get teeth whitening?

Almost anyone can benefit from teeth whitening, but results will vary from person to person depending on their unique situation. We typically do not recommend teeth whitening to pregnant or lactating women, children under 16 years of age, or those with allergic reactions to teeth bleaching whitening agents. We’ll help you understand whether or not you are a good candidate for treatment.

Is teeth whitening good for sensitive teeth?

If you have sensitive teeth, be sure to avoid over-the-counter whitening treatments. Your dentist can recommend a professional treatment, that will help you avoid irritation and ensure a comfortable and successful experience.

We love to make you smile

At Cairns Dental Boutique, we design smile improvements focused on increasing your confidence and health. Your teeth whitening treatment will be grounded in natural aesthetics. More importantly, we’ll take extra time to understand exactly what you want and help you achieve your perfect smile. We look forward to helping you smile!

Dr. Roy Answers Your Most Common Questions About Root Canals

What are the signs of an infected tooth?

Your dentist is the best person to diagnose your need for a root canal, but a few signs to keep an eye out for include:

  • Constant toothache
  • Lingering tooth sensitivity
  • Sore and sensitive jawbone
  • Chipped or fractured tooth (even small breaks and chips in your teeth can lead to advanced decay and infection)

How long does a root canal take?

A root canal typically takes about 60-90 minutes, and it’s possible your root canal treatment will be divided into two separate appointments. We’ll help you understand what to expect.

How much does it cost to get a root canal?

Dental insurance may cover a portion of your root canal treatment. Before scheduling your treatment, we’ll outline the cost as well. Third Party Payment Options through After Pay and Zip Pay are available to our patients if needed.

Are root canals safe?

Yes. Root canals are proven to stop infection and save teeth. Roughly 25 million root canals are performed every year. There is no scientific evidence supporting the connection between root canal-treated teeth and disease or problems elsewhere in the body.

Dr Roy Answers Questions About Us

How do I know Cairns Dental Boutique is the best place for my dental treatment?

Getting dental treatment is a big decision, and it’s important to do your research and make sure you’re getting the best quality, success and value for your money.

Cairns Dental Boutique stands out in two very distinct ways: We only use high quality materials, such as titanium support bars, and our doctors focus on one thing—excellent dental care. We also believe that our dedication to our patients is why so many people have chosen Cairns Dental Boutique.

Dental Treatment is often very expensive, does Cairns Dental Boutique offer any payment plans?

Cairns Dental Boutique offers excellent dental care at the most reasonable costs and thanks to precise technology and our complete treatment solutions, the cost of dental care is much less than it was even a few years ago. However, many of our patients still need financing options to help pay for the procedure. During your consultation, our clinicians can explore strategies that fit your budget. Together, we’ll explore options available. We also do accept third party payments such as Afterpay and Zip Pay.

Is my dental treatment going to be painful?

At Cairns Dental Boutique, we do everything we can to make you as comfortable as possible. We understand that some patients put dentists right up there next to snakes and spiders when it comes to the things we fear most but be assured that you are in safe hands and we will take keep you at ease and total comfort throughout your treatment and visit.

We do have several options including Nitrous Oxide Sedation (links to Nitrous Oxide page) to help you feel relaxed and comfortable during your treatment.  Most surgery is carried out with simple, safe, local analgesia. Afterwards, most of our patients report that they experienced far less pain than anticipated

I haven’t been to the dentist in a long time and my teeth are in a really bad shape. I feel embarrassed to go to the dentist, what do I do?

In our experience, most people feel so embarrassed to go to the dentists and do not want to be judged or lectured.

“Please don’t be embarrassed about going to get help. I say this on here all the time. Dentists are nearly always “doers” by nature. We don’t really care how things got to where they are, we just start trying to work out how to “fix” things” Dr Roy.

At, Cairns Dental Boutique, our dentists are experienced in treating patients with complex needs, dental anxieties and also patients with dental treatment failures and complications. The best way to find out and start your journey to stronger teeth and better oral health is for you to visit us for a consultation.

Commonly Asked Questions About Dental Crowns

How much does a dental crown cost?

The cost of a dental crown will vary based on your health and individual needs. We’ll help you understand the cost of your crown before your treatment. We also accept third party payment options like Afterpay and Zip pay to help our patients.

I have a damaged crown, can you help?

If you have a crown that’s cracked, feels loose or has fallen out, we can help. We may need to bond the crown back in place and other times a new crown may be the right choice. Our crowns are designed to be a perfect fit and when taken care of well can last to 15+ years.

Getting a crown in just 1 visit at Cairns Dental Boutique

Our team will ensure your time with us is comfortable and personalized to your needs. All our crowns are created with biocompatible materials and placed using minimally-invasive and gentle techniques.

  1. We’ll prepare the surface of your tooth, clearing away any decay and reshaping the tooth
  2. Our team will take a 3D scan of your mouth so we can customize the crown to your teeth – no more gaggy impressions!
  3. Using our high-tech milling machine, your permanent crown will be created and placed within a day.
  4. We’ll carefully place the crown and ensure the perfect fit

We believe going to the dentist should be a positive and empowering experience. Our entire staff is dedicated to helping you know the joy of a happy, healthy smile