Is Your Child Grinding Their Teeth? Here’s What You Should Know

Does your child’s smile seem a little shorter lately? Do they complain of jaw pain, headaches, earaches, or difficulty chewing, even without any cavities? If so, your child may be experiencing bruxism, or teeth grinding. This common condition can occur during the day or night, and it warrants attention to prevent long-term problems.

What is Bruxism?

Bruxism is the term for excessive teeth grinding or jaw clenching. It affects a significant percentage of children and while the telltale grinding noise can be bothersome, the potential damage to young teeth is far more concerning.  Bruxism can lead to:

  • Worn down or flattened teeth
  • Chipped, broken, or loose teeth
  • Increased tooth sensitivity
  • Jaw pain, tightness, or difficulty opening and closing the mouth fully

What Causes Teeth Grinding in Children?

There are several things that could be contributing to your child’s bruxism:

  • Stress and anxiety: School, social situations, or simply big feelings can lead to tension being released through teeth grinding.
  • Misaligned teeth: If your child’s teeth don’t fit together properly, they may subconsciously grind to try and find a more comfortable position.
  • Other factors: Teething, certain medications, sleep disorders, dehydration, and even some personality types may contribute to bruxism.

Teeth Grinding Solutions – How Can I Help My Child?

If you think your child is grinding their teeth, your first step is a visit to the dentist. At Cairns Dental Boutique, we’ll gently examine their teeth, potentially taking x-rays to assess any damage.  Then, we’ll work to diagnose the likely cause and recommend solutions tailored to your child’s needs.

Here’s what that might involve:

  • Addressing the underlying issue: If stress is a factor, we may suggest relaxation techniques, calming bedtime routines, or even a chat with a counselor.
  • Mouthguards: A custom-fitted mouthguard is an effective way to protect the teeth from further damage while we manage the root of the problem.
  • Orthodontic treatment: For some children, misaligned teeth are the issue. We might recommend orthodontic solutions to correct the bite.

At-Home Tips to Help

  • Promote relaxation: A warm bath, quiet time before bed, calming music and limited screen time can all promote a more restful sleep.
  • Encourage deep breathing: Teach your child simple breathing exercises to release tension.
  • Avoid triggers: Note that caffeine or sugary treats might intensify grinding in some children.
  • Regular dental checkups: We’re here to support you! Monitoring their teeth ensures treatment is working and helps us catch new issues quickly.

Your Cairns Dentist is Here to Help!

If you have any concerns about teeth grinding, don’t hesitate to contact your friendly team at Cairns Dental Boutique.  We are here to protect your child’s smile. Just give us a call on 07 4032 3236.

Your Cairns Dentist Knows Oral Health and Child Development

happy child dressed like a super hero, bursting through a paer wall

Welcome to our dental family! We’re continuing our series on Oral Health and how it is connected to our overall wellbeing. This month we focus on the critical role oral health plays in the growth and development of our children. As an established and trusted dentist in Cairns, we can help you understand the important aspects of taking care of your child’s teeth and how it affects their health.

1. Cultivating Healthy Teeth

Consistent and proper oral hygiene practices establish the foundation of lifelong oral health. Teaching kids to brush and floss keeps teeth healthy and shows them how to take care of themselves. A solid oral hygiene routine is so important for maintaining healthy teeth and gums well into adulthood.

2. Nutrition and Oral Function

Healthy teeth are essential for children to chew effectively, which is vital for good digestion and nutrition. Dental discomfort or issues can put children off eating certain foods, potentially impacting their nutritional intake and overall health. By keeping our kids’ teeth healthy, they can eat a varied and balanced diet.

3. Speech and Oral Health

Speech development is intricately connected to oral health. Properly aligned teeth and a well-maintained oral cavity are vital for clear speech and pronunciation. Early dental issues, such as misaligned teeth or premature tooth loss, can hinder a child’s ability to communicate effectively, influencing their speech development.

4. Confidence Through Oral Health

A healthy smile can significantly enhance a child’s self-esteem and confidence. When children are proud of their oral health, it shows in their willingness to smile, speak, and engage with others. Positive oral health contributes to a child’s social interactions and emotional development.

5. Comfort in Oral Health

Avoiding dental pain and discomfort is essential for a child’s quality of life. Conditions like toothaches, cavities, and gum infections can lead to difficulties in eating, concentrating, and sleeping. Regular dental care and maintenance are key in preventing these issues, allowing children to enjoy their daily activities without oral pain.

6. Early Detection of Dental Issues

Regular dental check-ups are a preventive measure that we cannot overstate. These visits allow dentists to identify and address issues like tooth decay or gum problems early on. Early treatment is often simpler and less invasive, preventing more complex issues as your child grows.

Establishing Lifelong Oral Health Habits

We emphasize the importance of daily brushing and flossing – it’s the cornerstone of oral health. Encourage and model these habits for your children, ensuring they understand the significance of taking care of their teeth and gums. Regular dental visits every six months are also vital, along with providing a balanced diet and limiting sugary snacks to maintain optimal oral and overall health.

Making Dental Care Affordable: CDBS and Health Funds

We understand that managing healthcare expenses is a significant concern for many families. The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) ensures that dental health isn’t a luxury, but a standard part of every child’s healthcare routine. Our team is here to help you navigate the details of the CDBS and to make the most of your private health funds. We believe that every child deserves access to quality dental care, and financial constraints should never stand in the way of your child’s bright smile and healthy future.

Schedule Your Visit

Join us in committing to your child’s oral health. Book an appointment with our Cairns dental team today, and let’s work together towards ensuring your child’s smile is both healthy and bright for years to come.

You can view our full range of dental services on the Cairns Dental Boutique website.

Oral Health Tips for a Tooth-Friendly Christmas

Santa with toothache

Top Tips from your Cairns dentist

‘Tis the season to be jolly – and for many of us, that means indulging in our favourite Christmas foods and drinks. However, while the festive season is a perfect time to relax and enjoy those ‘naughty’ treats we might avoid at other times of the year, being mindful of your oral health can help to avoid dental disasters over the holiday period.

Check out our Christmas oral health tips to keep your teeth healthy and strong while celebrating with your favourite festive foods.

1. Don’t let your oral health routine slip

Taking a break from our usual routines over the holiday period can be a welcome change from work or school. However, one part of our daily routines that shouldn’t be left behind is our oral health. In fact, it’s even more important to keep up with your daily brushing and flossing over the Christmas period, given that most of us will be tucking into more indulgent foods than normal.

Whatever your plans for the holidays involve, it’s vital to make a point of maintaining your usual oral hygiene practice, including brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once a day.

If you’re heading off on a vacation over Christmas, consider swapping your electric toothbrush for a manual one that’s easier to transport, even for the lightest of packers.

2. Be sugar-savvy

Indulging in a few sugar-laden treats over the Christmas period is totally fine – but taking care not to go overboard can help protect your teeth from a slew of dental problems. Sugar build-up can cause bacteria to develop on teeth, leading to issues such as cavities and tooth decay.

If you can’t resist the sugary foods on offer, it’s a good idea to avoid too much snacking between meals. By consuming sweet foods during mealtimes – such as for dessert – your mouth will produce more saliva which can neutralise excess sugars.

If you can’t always brush your teeth after eating sugar-rich foods, have a quick rinse of your mouth with water. This can help to wash away sugar particles and avoid them from building up on the surface of your teeth.

3. Skip the super-hard foods

Unfortunately, some of our favourite Christmas foods can be bad news for our teeth. For example, foods such as candy canes, Christmas brittle, toffees, and candied nuts have very hard textures, which can put extra pressure on our teeth when chewing or biting into them.

Eating hard foods like these can result in damage to your teeth, including broken or chipped teeth which will require emergency dental care – not ideal when you’re trying to enjoy the holidays!

While it’s best to opt for softer foods where possible, if you do feel tempted by a harder snack, take extra care and consume in small bites.

4. Avoid overindulging in acidic foods

Acidic foods can weaken the protective layer of enamel that covers the surface of our teeth, leaving them exposed to a wide range of oral health issues. As acid-rich food and drinks include things like citrus fruits, red wine, and fizzy drinks, you may find you’re consuming more of them over Christmas.

It’s advisable to minimise your consumption of acidic foods to protect your teeth. However, if you are consuming acid-rich food and drinks, there are a few ways to help combat the damaging effects of acid:

  • Use a straw when drinking acidic beverages
  • Drink water after consuming acidic foods to help wash away bacteria
  • Chew sugar-free gum after eating to remove bacteria
  • After eating or drinking acidic products, wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth – this avoids brushing away the acid-weakened enamel

5. Enjoy alcohol in moderation

Whether it’s a festive mulled wine or a post-dinner brandy, many of us enjoy a Christmas tipple over the holidays. However, taking care to minimise your alcohol intake is good for your teeth as well as your general health.

Alcohol increases the risk of dental health issues such as gum disease, as well as being acidic, which can weaken the tooth enamel. While it’s fine to indulge in a drink or two, keeping your festive alcohol consumption to a healthy level will help to keep teeth protected and strong.

Rinsing your mouth out with water after drinking alcoholic beverages can help to wash away acid and bacteria to avoid these substances building up on your teeth.

If you need to book in for a dental appointment over the Christmas period, contact Cairns Dental Boutique today.


How Your Dental Health Can Affect Your Lungs

Dental Health and your lungs

Tips from Your Cairns Dentist

We continue exploring how keeping a healthy mouth can benefit our whole body. This time, let’s look at how oral health and lung conditions are linked, with guidance from your Cairns Dentist.

How Can Oral Health Cause Lung Problems?

Gum Disease: Severe gum disease, known as periodontal disease, starts with bacteria in our mouth. Unfortunately, these bacteria can enter our bloodstream and travel to our lungs, causing or worsening respiratory infections like pneumonia.

Aspiration Pneumonia: If we have tooth decay, gum disease, or trouble swallowing, we could be at risk of aspiration pneumonia. This happens when food, liquid, saliva, or bacteria from our mouth get inhaled into our lungs, causing an infection.

How Can Lung Problems Affect Oral Health?

Dry Mouth: Some lung conditions and their medications can cause dry mouth. With less saliva to wash away bacteria, we’re more likely to get tooth decay, gum disease, and oral infections.

Medication Side Effects: Medications for lung conditions, like corticosteroids or bronchodilators, can have side effects including oral thrush (a fungal infection), altered taste, or mouth sores.

Fewer Dental Visits: People with severe lung conditions might find it hard to visit the dentist regularly due to physical limitations or breathing difficulties, which can lead to neglected oral health.

Keeping Your Mouth and Lungs Healthy

Here are some simple steps from your Cairns Dentist to maintain good oral health and help protect your lungs:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and floss every day. 
  • Make regular visits to the dentist for check-ups and cleaning. 
  • Drink plenty of water to help keep dry mouth at bay. 
  • If you notice any problems in your mouth or with your lungs, see your doctor and your Cairns Dentist for advice.

Understanding the link between oral health and lung conditions shows how taking care of our mouth is a crucial part of taking care of our whole body. Your Cairns Dentist is here to help you on this journey towards better health. By following simple oral hygiene practices, you’re not only working towards a beautiful smile but also healthier lungs.

If you’d like to find out more or talk to a knowledgeable professional, our friendly team is here to help! Call us on 07 4032 3236, or get in touch through our website, we’d love to hear from you.

MIND BODY AND WELLBEING with your Cairns Dentist

Mind, Body, Mouth Connection

Recently Cairns Dental Boutique joined with the Australian Dental Council through Dental Week to raise awareness and promote the campaign on Oral Health. This year the ADA focussed on the mouth, body, and mind and how they are all connected.

There is a growing body of evidence that suggests links between diseases in the mouth to diseases in other parts of the body.

Bacteria in the mouth can travel to different sites of the body and inflammation in the mouth can increase the body’s overall inflammation. In the coming months, our latest series of blogs will be exploring six conditions where the body is linked to the mouth.

  1. Oral Health and Heart Health
  2. Oral Health and Lung Health
  3. Oral Health and Diabetes
  4. Oral Health and Development of Children
  5. Oral Health and Alzheimer’s Disease 
  6. Oral Health and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes 

Oral Health and Heart Health

A multitude of research suggests that there is a link between disease in the mouth, particularly gum disease, and heart health. The connection between the two is believed to be related to the spread of bacteria and inflammation.

Gum disease also known as Periodontal Disease, is a chronic bacterial infection that affects the gums and tissues supporting the teeth. If left untreated, it can lead to tooth loss. The primary cause of gum disease is the building up of plaque (a sticky film of bacteria that forms on the teeth and gums). When plaque is not adequately removed through regular brushing and flossing, it can harden into tartar and contribute to gum inflammation.

Now let’s see how this plaque and inflammation in the mouth can affect the heart:

1. Bacterial Spread

The bacteria present in the mouth can enter the bloodstream through inflamed gums. Once in the bloodstream, these bacteria can travel to other parts of the body, including the arteries of the heart. This can potentially contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, a condition where there is a build-up of plaque in the arteries and a major risk factor for heart disease.

2. Inflammation

Gum disease triggers an inflammatory response in the body. Chronic inflammation is thought to play a role in the development and progression of atherosclerosis. Inflammatory markers released in response to gum disease may contribute to inflammation in the blood vessels, making them more susceptible to plaque formation in the heart.

3. Shared Risk factors

Gum disease and heart disease share common risk factors such as smoking, poor diet, obesity, and diabetes. These risk factors can increase the likelihood of both conditions occurring simultaneously.

How to prevent/manage both these conditions:

  1. Maintaining good oral hygiene and seeking regular dental care is crucial for preventing gum disease and potentially reducing the risk of heart disease.
  2. Brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting the dentist regularly for check-ups and cleans are important in maintaining overall oral and heart health.
  3. Maintain a balanced diet and lifestyle.
  4. If you have gum disease, your dentist will recommend specific treatments to control the infection and reduce inflammation.
  5. If you are a smoker – quitting smoking would be the greatest gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones. Contact Quitline 13 78 48 for Help

As your Cairns dentist, we are always here to help! We’d love to hear from you if you need advice on managing your dental care and the impact on your overall health care. Contact us at Cairns Dental Boutique to find out more about our dental services or to arrange an appointment with our friendly team of expert local dentists. We look forward to talking with you soon. 


Why Are Two Dental Visits Necessary Each Year?

Importance of 2 visits to your Cairns Dentist each year

You’ve heard it said time and again, “visit your dentist twice a year for a check-up and a cleaning,” but how important is it for your child to come and visit us at least twice every year? Very, and here’s why! 

Learn Better Oral Health Habits 

Regular visits to their dentist get kids in the habit of taking care of their teeth. At Cairns Dental Boutique, we are dedicated to teaching every child that comes through our doors how to best care for their teeth. 

Not only do we teach our young patients how to properly brush and floss their teeth, but we also make sure to inform parents of the best ways they can help in securing a bright, happy smile for their children throughout their childhood! We also assist parents in making informed decisions about their child’s oral health, from getting dental sealants to buying the right kind of fluoridated toothpaste! 

We are passionate about creating a fun, comfortable environment in which we can build strong relationships with our patients, teach them how to care for their teeth, and help parents become partners in their child’s dental health! 

Maintain Good Oral Health Habits into Adulthood 

Studies show that kids who visit their dentist twice per year continue seeing a dentist in adulthood. Teaching your child that it is normal to visit the dentist twice a year for a check-up and cleaning sets the stage for better oral health habits when they are adults! 

Children – and adults – who visit the dentist regularly and follow good oral health habits are less likely to develop cavities, gum disease, or other preventable dental issues. 

Take Advantage of Your Dental Care Coverage 

Like they do for adults, most insurance plans will cover two annual visits for free for your children, so there is no reason not to take advantage of this benefit! If you have questions about your dental insurance coverage, we can help! We’re happy to help you better understand your plan and the benefits you get from it. 

We Bulk Bill Eligible Children Under Medicare’s – Child Dental Benefit Scheme 

Under the Medicare Child Dental Benefits Schedule, the cost for your child’s dental services will be bulk billed. To obtain more information about our Child Dental Services, please give us a call or come and visit us. 

Eligibility for Children’s Dental Benefit Scheme 

  • Up to $1052 of dental treatments (eligible children only) 
  • Available to children between 2 to 17 years old 
  • Enrolled in Medicare 
  • Parental carer receives certain payments from the government* 

To check your child’s eligibility for CDBS please call your Cairns Dentist on 07 4032 3236 

If you’d like to discuss any aspect of children’s dentistry, we’d love to hear from you! 

5 Tips for Healthy Senior Dental Care

Your Cairns Dentist Can Help at Every Life Stage

As we grow older, the importance of preserving our dental health cannot be overstated. Changes in our oral health often coincide with the overall aging process, making it even more crucial to pay attention to dental care. At Cairns Dental Boutique, we’re committed to ensuring that your golden years are still bright, particularly when it comes to your smile. Here are five essential tips for maintaining good dental health in your senior years. 

1. Regular Dental Check-ups 

Regular visits to the dentist are key to maintaining good dental health. At Cairns Dental Boutique, we recommend check-ups every six months, although your dentist may recommend more frequent visits depending on your dental health condition. Regular check-ups help find potential problems early and ensure prompt treatment, preventing further complications. 

2. Good Oral Hygiene Practices 

Proper brushing and flossing are critical at any age, even more so in our senior years. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles and fluoride toothpaste to brush at least twice daily, paying close attention to the gum line. Floss daily to remove food particles and plaque between teeth, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. 

3. Stay Hydrated 

Dry mouth, a common condition in seniors, can cause difficulties in speaking and eating and increase the risk of dental decay. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, and try sugar-free gum or lozenges to stimulate saliva production. 

4. Healthy Diet 

A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibre is crucial for oral health. Limit your sugary foods and drinks, as they contribute to tooth decay. Calcium-rich foods like dairy products or leafy greens are great for maintaining strong teeth and healthy gums. 

5. Consider Dental Implants or Dentures 

Tooth loss can be a common issue in senior years. At Cairns Dental Boutique, we offer a range of solutions, including dentures and dental implants, which improve the aesthetic appearance and aid in better digestion and speech. Talk to your dentist about the best option for you. 

By following these tips, seniors can enjoy a healthy and radiant smile throughout their golden years.  

At Cairns Dental Boutique, we’re dedicated to helping you keep optimal oral health at every age.  

Call Cairns Dental Boutique at 40323236, your favourite Cairns dentist, today to schedule your next dental check-up and keep your smile shining brightly. 

Caring For Your Teeth While Pregnant

Pregnancy Dental Care Tips

There is no shame in experiencing dental problems during pregnancy. Learn how hormonal changes can affect your gums and teeth, and discover essential tips for maintaining optimal oral health during this special time.

Hormonal Effects on Dental Health:

The hormones associated with pregnancy can have a significant impact on your gums and teeth. Understanding these effects is crucial for proper dental care during pregnancy.

1. Gum Sensitivity and Bleeding:

During pregnancy, you may notice your gums feeling more sensitive and bleeding more frequently. This is a common occurrence due to hormonal changes.

2. Tooth Sensitivity and Looseness:

Pregnancy can also cause tooth sensitivity and looseness. These discomforts can be addressed with proper dental care and regular check-ups.

3. Dental Decay Risk and Cravings:

Cravings for sweet and sour foods are common during pregnancy, but they can put your teeth at risk of decay. Discover ways to satisfy your cravings while maintaining good oral health.

Morning Sickness and Tooth Enamel:

Morning sickness can lead to tooth enamel erosion. Learn how to minimize the impact by adopting specific oral care practices.

Link Between Gum Disease and Pre-term Birth:

Severe gum disease has been linked to premature birth and low birth weight. Take steps to prevent and treat gum disease during pregnancy for the well-being of both you and your baby.

Treating Tooth Decay and Reducing Bacteria Transmission:

Addressing tooth decay during pregnancy is essential to reduce the bacteria that can be passed onto your baby. Learn about safe dental treatments and their benefits.

Oral Care Recommendations:

Remember to:

1. Clean Well:

Even if your gums bleed, continue brushing your teeth and gums twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. Seek guidance from your dental care provider if needed.

2. Drink Well:

Stay hydrated with tap water containing fluoride, which promotes strong teeth. Additionally, consuming plain milk provides calcium for both you and your baby’s teeth and bones. Limit sugary drinks to prevent enamel weakening and tooth decay.

3. Eat Well:

While food cravings are common during pregnancy, remember to limit sweet foods. Consume a variety of fresh foods from the five food groups to maintain a balanced diet that supports oral health.

4. Smoking and Alcohol:

Avoid smoking and consuming alcohol during pregnancy, as they are harmful to your gums, teeth, and the baby. Seek additional support from your midwife, GP, or the Smoking Quitline.

Caring for your teeth and gums during pregnancy is of utmost importance. By following these dental care tips and seeking professional guidance, you can maintain optimal oral health for yourself and your baby. 

For expert advice and assistance, reach out to us at Cairns Dental Boutique located at 1 Pyne Street Edge Hill 4870 or call 07 4032 3236.

Is Having a “Broken Tooth” a Dental Emergency?

Having a broken or chipped tooth can be a painful experience, and if left untreated, it can lead to more serious dental problems. So it’s critical to know whether a broken tooth is a dental emergency or not.

A broken tooth can happen for a variety of reasons such as: 

  • biting on hard foods 
  • sports injuries
  • accidents 
  • grinding your teeth

Regardless of the cause, it’s important to seek dental treatment immediately.

What happens when a tooth breaks?

When a tooth is chipped or broken, it can expose the blood vessels and nerves inside the tooth, causing severe pain. Additionally, a broken tooth can make it difficult to eat or talk properly, leading to discomfort and embarrassment.

Ignoring a broken or chipped tooth can encourage food to get stuck in the gaps, allowing bacteria to grow and work their way to the root of the tooth, leading to an infection or abscess. This can be a serious condition that requires emergency dental care.

Depending on the severity of the damage, dental treatment may vary from a simple dental filling to more complex procedures such as root canals or temporary crowns. A split tooth or one with a jagged edge may require more extensive dental treatment.

To prevent a broken tooth, it’s vital to maintain good dental hygiene, avoid biting on hard foods, and wear a mouthguard during sports activities. If you grind your teeth, speak with your Cairns dentist about getting a night guard to protect your teeth while you sleep.

What should I do if my tooth breaks?

If you have a broken or chipped tooth, please contact us as soon as possible. We can provide you with the necessary emergency dental care to alleviate the pain and prevent further damage. Be sure to treat it before the problem becomes more serious and expensive.

Remember that quick action can help prevent tooth infections and abscesses and save you from costly and painful dental procedures in the future.

CALL US on 07 40323236 and be seen immediately, at Cairns Dental Boutique, we’re always here to help!


Dental Costs for your Dental Care in Cairns

Dental costs

With the cost of living getting higher and higher by the day, we are left with little to nil money to spend on our immediate health care needs like going to a dentist. At Cairns Dental Boutique, we understand! So we’ve answered a few frequently asked questions regarding appointments, treatment, and dental fees. This may help you to understand the process and make it less scary.

How do we make dental appointments?

Call us on 40323236 to speak to our friendly staff

or visit us at to make an online booking.

You can also email us on

How much will it cost for a consultation with a dentist?

An initial consultation with any of our dentists costs $60.

Every Wednesday between 4pm – 5pm Dr Roy Jindal will offer you a free initial consultation.

In a consultation, our dentist will do an examination of your teeth and chat with you about your ideal treatment options and our staff can find you the best treatment plan options to help you achieve your ideal smile.

Dental Payment Options

Eftpos and HICAPS

With HICAPS on-site we can claim directly through your health fund.

Health funds

We work with all private health insurance companies & health funds and we’re happy to offer a complimentary benefits check.

Prepayment options

For all treatments over $1000, we offer a 5% saving on treatment plans if payment is received at least two days prior to your appointment.

Direct Deposit & Cheques

We accept direct deposit as well as bank and personal cheques.

Credit Cards

We accept Mastercard, Visa, and Amex.


Afterpay gives you eight weeks, interest-free, to pay off your treatment. Sign up for an account on the Afterpay site or app.

Child Dental Benefits Scheme

The child dental benefits schedule is a dental benefits program for eligible children aged 2-17 years that provides up to $1026 in benefits to children for basic Australian dental services.

Department of Veterans Affairs

We welcome all members of the veteran community.

Early release of Super

We work with professional consultants to facilitate early access to superannuation. You simply need enough superannuation to cover your needs.

If you’re searching for the best dentist in Cairns – we’ve got you covered! No matter what you need – from general dental treatments, root canals, tooth extractions, cosmetic dentistry, check ups and cleans and so much more, we’d love to see you at Cairns Dental Boutique. We’ve got a payment option that’s right for you.

Make a booking online or contact us by phone, email, or through our website, we’re here to help.
